Our experience over the years is that there is a great need to support and help further cross-section of the sosciety who for financial reasons are unable to recieve the blessing of a subscription to Bible Alive or the benefit of other Christian resources. We receive many letters from people who simply can no longer afford to receive the magasines and books we publish .
People such as: The Widowed, The Unemployed, University Students, Seminarians, Asylum Seekers, Armed Services, Migrant Workers, Relatives of Prisoners, Low income Families and the Recently Redundant.
It is through your kindness and generosity that we can reach out to others.
Every donation given by the Cheerful Giver goes to a Grateful Receiever.
People such as: The Widowed, The Unemployed, University Students, Seminarians, Asylum Seekers, Armed Services, Migrant Workers, Relatives of Prisoners, Low income Families and the Recently Redundant.
It is through your kindness and generosity that we can reach out to others.
Every donation given by the Cheerful Giver goes to a Grateful Receiever.