Reflections on Stations Of The Cross

Reflections on Stations Of The Cross

Reflections on Stations Of The Cross

Product code: 278359

Reflections On The Stations Of The Cross

Terence J Brain, Emeritus Bishop of Salford, reflects on the unusual portrayal of the Stations of the Cross in St Mary's, Mulberry Street, Manchester: also known as the Hidden Gem. The Stations are the work of the late Norman Adams RA and were commissioned by the then Parish Priest Canon Denis Clinch in 1993 from a list of artists compiled by the late Sr Wendy Beckett. Professor Adams considered these Stations the greatest work of his life.

The beauty of these Staions invite our attentiveness and contemplative focus so we can enjoy their spiritual depth and richness. Bishop Brain draws on his long years of pastoral experience, wisdom and prayer to help us appreciate the language that is paint and form in these beautiful Stations.